I have been downloading and reading articles from AA for about a month now and have found most of it very interesting. I have been interested in the abduction phenomenon ever since I first heard of Betty and Barney Hill back when I was a child.
I don't know if I might be one of those "abductees", my father and I used to discuss the posibility that our whole family had been abducted at one time or another. I do remember some strange things that happened when I was a child: instances when I saw (or thought I saw) extra large insects (example: a spider the size of a robin, a mosquito with a wing span of about 18 inches). We lived in Michigan and bugs usually don't get that big up there.
One incident especially sticks in my memory. We had rented a cottage in Upper Michigan for two weeks during the summer of '55 or '56 (I was 4 or 5) and were on our way there from our home in Detroit. We always traveled at night. My Dad said it was because I would usually sleep most of the way and he wouldn't have to stop every half hour for me to go to the bathroom. It was about 3:00 a.m. and I was asleep when Dad hit the brakes to avoid hitting a deer, and I rolled off the seat onto the floor. What was strange about it was that Mom and Dad both said that the deer was a beautiful buck with a full rack and that he had leaped over the car (front to back). I didn't see that, but what sticks in my mind is a picture of the road: it was a two lane black top, as straight at an arrow for as far as you could see in both directions, with dense forest on both sides, and absolutly no other vehicles on the road in either direction. We didn't sit there long. Mom made sure that I wasn't hurt from hitting the floor (I don't actually remember hitting the floor, but I woke up there) and Dad restarted the car (he said it had stalled, but he later noted that the key had been in the OFF position) and we drove on. We arrived at our destination a little less than an hour later than we had expected to arrive.
Another time when we were on vacation, again at a remote cabin in the Michigan woods, our favorite evening past time was sitting on the beach watching lights doing strange things out over the water, but I don't remember if it was Lake Michigan or Lake Superior. We used to do the same thing in Caseville, Michigan, on Lake Huron.
I read one article printed on your page that mentioned a feeling of time distortion. I have that same feeling about certain periods of my childhood. There were periods when time seemed to slow down, and I felt like I was watching a slow motion sequence in a movie.
My Dad always said that I had an awful sense of time. I would go somewhere and he would tell me to be back in an hour and I would come waltzing in 3 hours later, convinced that I had only been gone an hour, but this usually only happened if I was by myself. If I was with friends, I always got home on time.
I think that I need to sit down and organize my thoughts before I go into any other things that have happened. But if anyone has any input please let me know.